
40 Days of Prayer


Posted by Paul Berthiaume on with 1 Comments

During this season of uncertainty and unrest, I want to challenge us as a church to seek God in prayerI invite you to join as a church family in "40 days of Prayer"—starting THIS Sunday! I've written a weekly prayer guide that we will use to pray together.

Every day, for 40 days, we will:

  • Read and meditate on a passage of scripture
  • Pray a Psalm and a classic Christian prayer
  • Pray for three people you know, who need to accept Jesus
  • Lift up personal prayer requests

Each day we will post the daily prayer links on FacebookChurch, I sincerely hope that you will seize this opportunity—Be intentional. Pause. Take a few important moments each day to talk with God—over the next 40 Days of Prayer.

Pastor Paul

PS—Be sure to follow the daily prayer posts on the website!

Download Week 1 Prayer Guide



Sylvia piekarz September 27, 2020 9:01am

Thank you for this opportunity



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