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Giving to Jacob's Well

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We encourage all of those who are part of the Jacob's Well family to give as an act of stewardship and worship, not out of obligation. Your gifts allow God's work to continue in this church, in the Chippewa Valley and throughout the world.


Your information is held securely by SSL encrypted connections. This information will remain private and will never be given away for marketing purposes.


ONLINE GIVING – This convenient option allows individuals and families to set up One-Time or Recurring Giving using Visa, Mastercard or Discover. American Express is not accepted at this time.

MAIL – You can mail gifts to our office at the following address: Jacob's Well Church, 989 122nd St, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

OFFERING BOXES are located in the gathering areas of the Worship Center, The Theater, and the Children's Wing.

NON-CASH GIFTS – If you wish to donate real property or stock to Jacob's Well, please use the links below:


Click the button below to watch a message explaining our beliefs on giving.



As Christians we are called to live a life of Stewardship. Heeding this call as individuals leads us to a life of meaning and purpose as each of us takes part in the work God is doing. And as a church family, we believe that the best way we can be stewards of giving is to use OneFund. Rather than using multiple giving funds, we are committed to using OneFund where all giving to the church is utilized together. OneFund allows us to support the complete, ongoing ministry of Jacob's Well in all capacities, maximizing our ministries in real time as needed, to meet the changing and growing needs of our community. 

Giving FAQ's

What is tithing?
Tithing is a Biblical concept. We believe the practice of tithing is based on the principle of first fruits which teaches us to bring God our first and our best. Giving of first fruits was practiced by giving the tithe from the very beginning of Biblical history throughout the Old Testament. In the New Testament the principle of first fruits is referenced by Jesus, Paul and others. Th New Testament emphasizes the practice of giving as an act of worship done from the heart in a humble and non-legalistic manner.

Can I schedule recurring contributions?
Yes, you can specify your contributions at intervals of your choice. You may even set up multiple schedules.

Can I access my giving statement online?
Yes, you have secure access to view your online giving information through the Jacob's Well Online Community.

Will I receive a contribution statement?
Yes! This year, we will be mailing printed giving statements directly to all families / individuals who have given to Jacob's Well. So look for that in the mail. And of course you can always access your giving statement online via Jacob's Well Online Community as well!


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