
Build New Beds for Kids at OneFest, with Sleep In Heavenly Peace - Learn More & Sign Up


You Can Make a Difference!

We believe everyone has unique gifts and talents that can make a profound impact on our church community. Explore the opportunities below and discover the joy and worship in serving!


Welcome everyone as they enter our building with a friendly smile and a warm greeting. Ensure no one has to open a door themselves.


Have a heart for hospitality? Help attendees find seats, count attendance, and tidy the Worship Center and Theater venues after services.


Engage with those who seem anxious or uncomfortable. Connect them with others, guide them to the New Here room, and offer a tour of the building.

Connection Center

Assist visitors and regular attendees by pointing them in the right direction and answering questions about Jacob's Well.

New Here Team

Welcome newcomers in the New Here room, help them fill out connect forms, answer questions, and introduce them to church ministries.

Cafe Team

Create a warm, inviting atmosphere by serving coffee and chatting with people on Sunday mornings.

Communion Team

Prepare and serve communion during Sunday services, facilitating this meaningful moment for our congregation.

Parking Team

Ensure safety and smooth traffic flow outside the building before and after services.

Assistant Camera Operator

Work in the video control room during services, operating remote control cameras with the Video Producer. Training provided.

Resource Center Team

Welcome visitors to the Resource Center, recommend resources and assist with check-outs and purchases. Learn More

JW Kids Volunteers

Work with children from infants to 5th grade during Sunday service times, nurturing their faith and creating a fun environment. Learn More

JW Kids Registration Team

Welcome new families and assist with child check-ins on Sunday mornings.

Greenhouse YTH Leaders

Mentor 6th-12th grade students during Wednesday night meetings, camps, and retreats. We especially need adult men! Learn More

Group Leaders

Lead small groups or Bible studies at church, at home, or off-site, fostering community and spiritual growth.

Prayer Team

Engage in various prayer activities such as Online Prayer Requests, Livestream Prayer Hosting and Churchwide Prayer on Tuesdays.

Care Team

Walk alongside individuals who are hurting or in need of support, providing care and encouragement. Help with other Care needs, including sending cards and flowers, visitations, and calling. Learn More

Marriage Mentors

Married couples mentor other couples through different seasons and challenges, including pre-marriage mentoring.

Facilities Teams

Join a facilities team: Tool Team, Lawn Care Team, Roofing Team, Deep Cleaning Team, Prayer Garden Team, Saturday Campus Cleanup Team. Learn More

Builders for Christ (BFC) Missions Trips

Help other churches by volunteering in construction projects. Learn More

Worship Team

Serve as a vocalist or musician on Sundays and worship nights. Apply Here

Graphics Operator

Display worship lyrics and presenter slides during services. No experience needed; training provided.

Sound Tech

Operate the live sound mixer for Sunday services. Training provided.

Ready to Get Started?

If you're ready to try serving at Jacob's Well or you'd like to learn more, click below!

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