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RightNow Media

Do you have your FREE account yet?

Jacob's Well has partnered with RightNow Media, an extensive video streaming library, often known as "the Netflix for churches".  Packed with over 2,000 faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want - from your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.

RightNow Media offers resources for everyone - kids, youth, parents, single adults, working professionals - all aimed at helping you grow. From amazing God-centered content like Veggie Tales for kids, to Bible study and training by Andy Stanley, Dave Ramsey and more, you are free to enjoy these high-quality videos. 

Sign Up for FREE Access

A complementary RightNow Media Account is our gift to the Jacob's Well family. You also have our permission to share this offer with a friend. Enjoy!

If you already have your account...

Click below to see the Jacob's Well channel with all our top picks!

Go to the Jacob's Well Channel 

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