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Small Groups

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Couples: Couples Connection

Couples Connection is led by Kent Andreas and Lisa Traxler at a home on the west side of Eau Claire. This group is open to four couples, and this fall they will be doing a review of the weekly message and devotional or other study material, as will be decided as a group. Couples Connection meets every other Sunday from 6:00-8:00pm and is a great place for fellowship, prayer, and connection! No childcare is available at this time.

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This group is led by Mario and Sarah Medrano and meets every other Wednesday at 6pm starting February 21 at the Medrano's home. Open to any Spanish and/or English speakers who are interested in Latinos culture or have a Latino connection at Jacob's Well. We will meet to build each other up through prayers, reading our devotional, music and conversation in English and Spanish.

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Mixed: Prime Time

Prime Time is an open, ongoing group for couples or singles with no attendance cap. It is led by Mary Stamos, Frank Jury and Rita Jury. This fall the group is studying Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. Prime Time meets on Thursdays form 6:30-8pm, in the Family Worship Room off the Worship Center.

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Mixed: Post College Community

This group is a study of the book Love Does by Bob Goff. It is open to men or women, couples or singles post college and is led by Crystal Rachick and Ashley Ferdon. Meetings are every other Monday from 7:00-8:30pm on the west side of Eau Claire (the meeting location has dogs).

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Mixed: Young Adult Group 2023-2024

This is a small group of young adults ages 19-35 who want to live in community and encounter God. The group meets every Thursday night at 7:00pm at Jacobs Well Church. 

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Women: Daybreak

This women's group is a place for women to grow and learn about Christ. They are studying the Book of Genesis and meeting Thursdays from 9:00-10:30am in the Fireside Room. This is an open group with no attendance cap, led by Laurie Erdman.

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Men: Thursday Lunch Group

This group of men meets during the lunch hour to read, study and discuss books of the Bible. They also pray for others and praise God for his blessings and answers to prayer. This group is led by Wayne Gifford and meets Thursdays at 12:30pm in the Fireside Room at Jacob's Well.

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Men: Men in the Word

This men's group is led by Jim Norvid, and is studying the book The Murder of Jesus by John MacArthur. Meetings are Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm at Jacob's Well, Room 115 (Elementary Hall).

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Men: Practicing the Way

This men's group is a study of the book Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer and is led by Nate Hanson. Meetings are Tuesdays at 6:30pm at Jacob's Well in the Elementary Hall, room 122.

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Men: Friday Morning Men's Group

This men's study follows along with the weekly sermon series. Meetings are Fridays from 8:30am-10am in the Fireside Room at Jacob's Well.

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Single and Parenting
Hope and Healing
Celebrate Recovery

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Our Vision for Small Group Community

At Jacob's Well, our vision is "Wherever we are on our journey, we will take steps together to know and become like Jesus." We were never meant to journey alone, but to do life with others.

That's what small groups at Jacob's Well are all about. Each person's spiritual journey is significantly impacted by their experience of community. The more we look at scripture the more we understand that community is what God has created us for!

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another..."  Hebrews 10:24-25

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