
40 Days of Prayer

Day 32

Posted by Paul Berthiaume on


Acts 8:9-25

Pray the Psalms

Psalms 47:1-9

Guided Prayer

“Our help is in the Name of the Lord; the maker of heaven and earth. Almighty God, my heavenly Father: I have sinned against You, through my own fault, in thought, and word, and deed, in what I have done and what I have left undone. For the sake of Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me all my offenses; and grant that I may serve You in newness of life, to the glory of Your Name. Amen.”

Prayers for the Day

  • Pray for those impacted by Coronavirus. The sick, those in healthcare and those who have lost jobs.
  • Pray for three who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • Pray for your personal request.

Download Week 5 Prayer Guide

What is 40 Days of Prayer?




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