
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month - Help End the Cycle

Facilities Team

Hey Jacob's Well,

As winter approaches, we’re gearing up for some important service opportunities at the church in November and beyond. Here’s how you can get involved:

Tim HuebnerSnow Team–We’re forming a team to help with snow removal before and during services. This includes driving plow trucks, salting with our tractor, snow blowing, and yes, shoveling! All ages are welcome. If you’re interested, please email us at for more information.

Outdoor Tree Lighting–Christmas is on the way! Tim and the Facilities Team could use your help for one more Saturday to make our church grounds shine for the season! Come on out this Saturday, November 16th, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM to help decorate the trees in the parking lot. We’ll be climbing ladders, stringing lights, and running cables to create a beautiful display when it’s done. If you can lend a hand, please come to the church on Saturday morning or email to sign up.

Tool Team–Our regular Tool Team will continue to meet every Tuesday night from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to help maintain our equipment, address building issues, and prepare for the upcoming Making Room initiative. Everyone is welcome to join us in the garages.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 715-944-6861 or email .

Let’s make this a wonderful winter together!

God Bless,

Tim Huebner


Tool Team

We always have something around here that needs care and maintenance!  If you're good with machines, equipment, and tools, this is the team for you! Tool Team is a great opportunity for individuals, friend groups and even whole families to serve together to help maintain and improve our campus! No experience is necessary. We welcome anyone who wants to serve and learn different building and maintenance skills. However we are also looking for some team leaders with previous building and maintenance experience. We meet on Tuesday nights at 5:30pm and we ask for at least a once-a-month commitment. Join us as we do building improvement projects all around the campus to keep our building a comfortable, safe, clean, and beautiful place for people to encounter Christ. 

Saturday Campus Clean-Up Team

The Saturday Campus Cleanup Team works on clearing and cleaning up the Jacob's Well property. Clearing brush and pallets, picking up trash, and general cleanup around the entrances, prayer trails, and north well road. No experience is necessary, just a heart to gather with friends, beautify the campus, and enjoy the weather! Second Saturday of every month!

Deep Cleaning Team

This distinguished team of cleaning superheroes will tackle various cleaning projects around the building and outside on campus. You never know what we might clean next! If you love to clean, this is a fun and satisfying way to use your talents! 

If one of these Facilities Teams interests you, please fill out the quick form below!

Facilities Teams Signup


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