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Giving Hope Fund

Giving Hope Fund 2023

2023 Christmas Eve Offering

Thank you to everyone who gave to our 2023 Giving Hope Fund back on Christmas Eve! We are so excited to share that you gave a grand total of $50,705.78 to the 2023 Christmas Eve Offering. This money will now directly support these three ministries, throughout the new year.

Thank you for Giving Hope!

Giving Hope 2023 • Benevolence Ministry

Visit the JW Care Page: jacobswellchurch.church/care

Giving Hope 2023 • JW Foundation

Visit the Venture Academy Website: ventureacademy.org

Giving Hope 2023 • The Timothy Initiative

Giving Hope Fund 2022 Recap

Recipient Introductions

Benevolence Needs, Hunt Family & Venture Academy

Introduced 12/4/22

Watch Now

Hope Village

Introduced 12/11/22

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Good News Jail & Prison Ministry

Introduced 12/18/22

Watch Now

Our 2022 Christmas Eve Offering

This year on Christmas Eve, all offering received will go directly to Giving Hope Fund.

Giving Hope Fund will do two things. First, it will directly support our Benevolence needs. These are individuals and families in our church and community who we've identified as needing assistance with things like gas, food, utilities and insurance, as the cost of essentials continues to rise.

And second, Giving Hope Fund will provide support to four featured Share Partners. These are organizations and individuals who are making a difference for Jesus in ways beyond what we can accomplish directly as a church on our own.

Benevolence Needs

Benevolence needs are individuals and families in our church and community who we've identified as needing assistance with things like gas, food, utilities and insurance, as the cost of these essentials continues to rise.

Hope Village

Hope Village is helping resolve the issues surrounding homelessness and affordable housing right here in our community. Jacob's Well wants to continue supporting their efforts as Hope Village raises money to build 28 units of affordable housing and house ten tiny homes used to shelter those who are homeless. Work has already begun on this project; the site has been prepared with utilities and several of the tiny homes have already been relocated to the Hope Village.

Good News Jail & Prison Ministry

Reaching those who have been incarcerated with the message of Christ has a real and lasting impact on those who come out both reformed and redeemed.  This year we are supporting 320 inmates who will receive gift bags for Christmas. The gift bags will include Christ-centered materials along with some other useful items and snacks.

The Hunt Family

The Hunt family has been serving on the mission field in Asia for many years, making an impact for God in regions where it is most difficult to share the Gospel. However, with Covid and a changing political landscape around the world, the Hunts have now relocated to Florida. From there they continue their ministry, directing operations in the same regions of Asia, and utilizing people there who have been trained to carry the message of Christ to many who still need to hear. While the Hunt family is adjusting to life in the US, financial impact of losing everything as they fled during Covid is still very real.   

Venture Academy

As we dream about this opportunity for a new Christian school in the Chippewa Valley, and the impact it will have on students and generations to come, we hope to fund a part time administrative support person. This person will help with some of the administrative and organizational work that needs to be done to keep this project moving forward.

Opportunity to Bless Others

Church, as you think about those around you and in our community this Christmas, let's remember how very blessed we are. Together as a church body, we have an opportunity to pass this blessing on to many around us with our Christmas Eve offering. We hope you'll plan now to give at Christmas Eve, to Giving Hope Fund.
Giving Hope Fund 2021 Recap

Hope Village

A large portion of the offering goes toward providing tiny homes and other affordable housing to the homeless in the Chippewa Valley.

Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention

A large portion of the offering goes toward planting multi-ethnic churches all over Wisconsin and the Twin Cities.

International Missions Board

A large portion of the offering goes toward making a lasting impact for Jesus in the middle east.

Local Families in Need / Benevolence Fund

The remainder of the offering went directly to helping several of our local families in need:

  • Over 30 foster families received extra support during the holidays
  • Over 20 other families received support with basic needs like food and housing

Giving Hope also provided the following:

  • 480 Christmas Cards were provided to Inmates to send to their families
  • 188 Christmas Care Boxes were provided to Foster Families in the Chippewa Valley
  • 330 pairs of socks were provided for kids in our community, donated through our JW Kids sock drive!

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