
Sunday 12/29– Watch the Online-Only Service

Join A Group

We have groups for Men, Women, Couples, Mixed (both men and women), and those seeking Support. While some of our groups meet year-round, you will find the most options available at the beginning of our Fall (September-December) and Spring (January-April) semesters during our Group Sign-Up times. Browse through the groups that we currently have available below!

For questions, email



Mixed: REMNANT - Life Groups

Dates Running: 08/25-OngoingREMNANT is Jacobs Well's ministry for young adults/college/young professionals ages 19-35. We are a community who strive to be known and belong as we take steps together to know and become like Jesus. We want to encounter God together in a tangible way. REMNANT is where Community and God overlap and combine, producing authentic community and real-life change.TO REQUEST TO JOIN THIS GROUP, FILL OUT THIS BRIEF FORM: Mixed: REMNANT - Life Groups--Fall 2022


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