
Christmas Eve Services • Tues, Dec. 24th • 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm • Details

Join A Group

We have groups for Men, Women, Couples, Mixed (both men and women), and those seeking Support. While some of our groups meet year-round, you will find the most options available at the beginning of our Fall (September-December) and Spring (January-April) semesters during our Group Sign-Up times. Browse through the groups that we currently have available below!

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Daybreak Women's Bible Study

The Daybreak Bible study is for all women of all ages, enabling all to grow in the Word of God and our relationship to our savior, Jesus.We meet on Thursday mornings at 9:30 am to 11:15 am. in the Fireside room located near the worship center entrance.For the Fall of 2024, we will be studying of the Gospel of Luke (paralleling with the church teaching each Sunday in the Gospel of John). This should be an interesting and enlightening experience. This is meant to enlarge our biblical understanding meant for beginners as well as the seasoned Bible students.We are an open group that encourages discussion, questions, interaction and friendships. We are always open to suggestions.As we are called to Holiness by Jesus and to be more and more united with God the Father, I am a mere guide as we help each other deepen our understanding of God, Christ and the Holy spirit and the great story we find ourselves in.


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