Contact Us
- 715.833.2050
- 989 122nd Street
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
The Making Room Initiative is our response to the growth we’re experiencing and our need for more space—physically and spiritually–as we welcome more people into our church family.
We're creating an environment for hope, healing, and fresh starts while expanding our capacity in services, parking, and facilities. It’s about more than adding space–Making Room is about opening our hearts.
Together, we can make room for God’s work and His people as we take steps to know and become like Jesus.
OneFund is unified giving by all the people of Jacob’s Well.
OneFund flows out to directly support the comprehensive, ongoing ministry of Jacob’s Well and our community Share Partners, right when and where support is needed most.
Unified giving through OneFund impacts God’s kingdom in ways that the individual giver cannot.
Another option for special gifts to Making Room is in-kind gifts, such as non-cash gifts of assets (e.g., real estate, stocks), which may offer tax benefits to the donor.
We have four easy ways to give to OneFund: