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- 715.833.2050
- 989 122nd Street
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Each partnership is an opportunity to meet needs, bring hope, and help others take their own steps toward Jesus. You can support these Share Partners in making an impact by giving to OneFund, by volunteering directly as each has needs, and through prayer. Thank you for supporting all the work God is doing among us!
APPLE provides caring, counseling, and information to women with unplanned pregnancies. Services include free confidential pregnancy tests, counseling for mothers and families, and referrals to helpful agencies. The annual Walk for Life each September supports this vital community ministry.
Builders for Christ organizes volunteer teams to assist in building churches in areas with significant evangelistic needs. Services include construction work such as framing, wiring, plumbing, and more. They played a key role in building Jacob’s Well's current facility.
Carelink collaborates with local congregations to provide resources and referrals for residents in need. By coordinating social services and maintaining client records, Carelink ensures efficient and effective support for Eau Claire County residents.
Faith Riders share the Gospel through their local motorcycle ministry. Their mission includes evangelism, discipleship, and fellowship, reaching motorcyclists with Christ’s love and building relationships in the community through shared passion and purpose.
FCA inspires coaches and athletes to share their faith through camps, huddles, and community events. Local representatives Tim Gunderson and Andrew Draper work with schools to ensure faith thrives in sports year-round.
Fierce Freedom raises awareness about human trafficking and offers solutions bring and end to the cycle. They provide training, partner with law enforcement, and advocate for victim-centered legislation. Their mission impacts lives across western Wisconsin and beyond.
Gerardo develops Hispanic church planters to establish Spanish-speaking congregations across Wisconsin. His mission focuses on equipping leaders and expanding outreach in communities statewide.
Good News places chaplains in jails and prisons to meet spiritual needs found there. They offer programs for volunteers, mentors, and reentry advocates to support inmates and staff in their faith journeys. | Facebook
Hope Gospel Mission provides Christ-centered care for the homeless and needy, addressing root causes and offering life-changing programs. Their Renewed Hope Program helps individuals rebuild their lives through faith and accountability. | Facebook
Hope Village provides emergency housing and tiny homes for those in need in our area. Their vision includes expanding to 28 affordable housing units to ensure long-term impact in Chippewa County.
IMB partners with churches to train missionaries, plant churches, and make disciples among unreached peoples worldwide. Their mission fulfills the Great Commission by spreading the Gospel globally.
Kyla’s mission involves learning about world religions and sharing the Gospel cross-culturally. Through cultural understanding, she aims to build relationships and bridge gaps for effective ministry.
MWBC unites churches to advance the Gospel through discipleship, leadership development, and church planting. They coordinate volunteers to provide nationwide disaster relief. Their collaborative efforts strengthen communities across our region.
NAMB equips churches with strategies for evangelism and church planting. Their Send Network and Send Relief initiatives help communities thrive through faith and practical support.
The Salvation Army provides essential services like housing, food, and clothing assistance. Their mission extends Christ’s love through practical help and compassionate care.
Sarah partners with Pioneers to plant churches and build relationships in Northern India. Her mission focuses on cultural immersion, language learning, and sharing the Gospel with university students.
The Timothy Initiative equips leaders worldwide to plant disciple-making churches. Guided by 2 Timothy 2:2, they create sustainable networks of churches that transform lives and communities. | Facebook | Instagram
Venture Academy, which launched at Jacob’s Well in Fall 2024, is an innovative new K-6 Christian school empowering students to explore their callings through hands-on learning. Their mission is: Empowering Christ-centered leaders, designers, and innovators for a world we can’t yet imagine.
Victor and Joanna develop leaders to plant Hispanic churches across Minnesota and Wisconsin. Their mission focuses on strengthening communities through faith and outreach.
World Relief empowers the local church to serve the vulnerable. Their mission promotes justice and restoration through diverse programs that bring hope to individuals and communities.
If you are interested in partnering with Jacob's Well, please complete the JW Share Partner Application.