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Renewal Daily Devotions

Welcome to RENEWAL!

February 14 - March 28, 2021

Journey: Thursday, Feb. 18th

Posted by Mackenzie Fisk on

Write out 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 by memory as best you can. Keep working! You are doing great!

Read Romans 6:11-13 and Galatians 5:17

In finding God’s unconditional love in the gift of salvation, we are called to grow--to find the courage to let Him begin to mature us more into the character of Christ. Trust in God is an essential component of spiritual growth. Who and what do you trust for growth? Do you trust your best thought, an expert, or popular culture?

In a, Paul talks about the importance of discipline. Discipline gives us the focus to run the race with purpose. More importantly, disciplining ourselves to read Scripture, pray, and participate in worship is how God communicates His grace to us. Long-lasting change comes by understanding His grace and learning to trust Him with every part of our lives. 1 Timothy 4:7a-8 says, “Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”

Is Jesus integrated into every part of your life, or are there parts of your life you have not handed over to Him? Why?

Jesus is our companion walking with us on the journey. We have to trust Him as our guide. He loves us. He knows what is going on inside of us. When we realize we are walking with Him, we begin to let go of the burden of figuring everything out on our own. God knows the right pace and our best next step in the journey. God is not meant to be the place we turn only when things are hard. God is our life, and this is what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

Is God part of your life, or is He your life?

Eternal life is lived in relationship with God now and for eternity. Renewal is an intentional way to guide us back to living in a known relationship with God. God desires our whole life. We are to give it all to Him in love, and this is what it means to be in a relationship with Him.

The Journey Tool we will be learning during Renewal is a tool to connect with God to know Him first and learn to trust Him. If you realize you lack trust in God, that is okay. Over the next six weeks, your confidence in Him will grow. Allowing Him to work in us to trust Him is hard at first, but if we recognize He is at work in us, we have a new perspective on our relationship with Him. The more we learn how His love and grace are at work in our inner being, the more we learn to trust Him. The more we trust He is at work in us, the more we find peace and contentment in the process of His work to change us to be more and more like His Son.

Jesus liberates us from ignoring our sin or putting confidence in ourselves for righteousness. Christian obedience is the reflection of the Spirit’s work in transforming our minds and hearts. Obedience is not automatic. Faithfulness to God does not come by ignoring Him or our sin, and it does not come by trying harder to please Him. Trust comes by understanding His dedication to us as His children, which comes by placing ourselves in His Presence day in and day out, learning He is at work in us as we seek Him. This time of Renewal is for this purpose.

Meditate on Psalm 119:9-16. Pray the words of the Psalm as your own.




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