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Flip the Script

Flip the Script 2024

Healing Anxiety, Depression, and Despair through the Power of Connection
With Speaker, Author and Pastor Will Hutcherson (willhutch.com)

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About Will Hutcherson

Will Hutcherson has been a Next Gen and Student Pastor for over 15 years. Over the past several years he has become increasingly passionate about finding practical ways to bring hope to kids and teens who are facing increasing amounts of anxiety, depression, and despair.

This led to him starting Curate Hope, a non-profit that focuses on suicide prevention and mental health awareness, and partnering with schools, churches, and parents to help heal despair in teens.

Will seeks to build a bridge between the local church and the schools and families that are navigating this mental health crisis. Every year, he speaks in public schools across the country, letting students know that there is always hope.

Will is a co-author of the Amazon best-seller SEEN: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection and the upcoming book Beyond the Spiral. He lives in the Sunshine State with his wife, Arianne, and three kids, where you might find him listening to 90s R&B or hunting alligators.

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