
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month - Help End the Cycle

Welcome Parents & Families!

Children begin their spiritual journey at birth. Our littlest ones develop their first impressions of who God is through the loving care and purposeful play they receive at this early age.

The Wobblers Room is open Saturdays at 5:00pm, and Sundays at 9:00am & 10:45am, for little ones ages newborn through 18 months. The JW Kids Team is excited to offer parents a very low ratio of kids to leaders/adults in this space. You can expect that everything is fresh and clean and ready for your little one. If parents are needed during the service, you can choose to be contacted by text or pager. We don't do diaper changes so you will be contacted if that is needed. If you'd like to peek in on your little one during the service, a camera is available at the end of the hall. We look forward to serving you and your family this Sunday!


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