
Have a happy, safe 4th of July holiday!

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Hope in A Hostile World

In a world filled with challenges, uncertainties, and hostility, how do we maintain our hope and love as followers of Christ? Our Summer Teaching Team series, "Hope in a Hostile World," dives into the book of 1 Thessalonians to find the answers.

Over six weeks, we will explore how the early church was anchored by the promise of Christ’s return and remained steadfast in the midst of persecution and trials. Throughout this series we will hear from six special guest speakers from our staff and community, uncovering practical and spiritual insights from Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians.

We’ll look at how living in constant expectation of Christ’s return can transform our outlook and our actions toward others. This series will encourage us to navigate the hostile environments around us, responding not with fear or despair, but with the love that comes from a life centered on the hope of Jesus.

Speakers: Jerry Cellan, Danielle Johnson, Hunter Gagner, Matt Rees, Anna Bohrer, and Amanda Brenden.

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