Teach Us To Pray is a season, a call in which the people of Jacob's Well will deepen their knowledge and experience of prayer, until all that we do– in our personal lives, families, friendships, and the church– is centered in a prayer relationship of knowing and becoming like Jesus.

"The Place Was Shaken" Messages
"And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness." –Acts 4:31
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"Hours of Prayer" Podcast
Pastor Paul is posting a weekly guided prayers podcast. Each episode offers prayers for morning, noon, evening, and right before bed. Look for four new episodes per week leading up to Easter.
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Wednesday Chapel
Wednesday Chapel is held every Wednesday in the Worship Center from 11:30am-1:30pm. Come meet with God, worship, be refreshed in His spirit, and most importantly Pray together. Special prayer opportunities are part of this ministry each week. And if you can't make it, jump on the livestream from wherever you are, too.
Watch Video Invite

"21 Days of Prayer" Devotional Journey
Starting Sunday, March 17th, jump on a transformative 21-day prayer journey. We'll explore the foundational principles of prayer, including Jesus' teachings, various prayer types, the power and direction of prayer, deepening our connection with God, and unraveling the mysteries of prayer for a richer spiritual life.
Pick up a printed copy at the Connection Center, or
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Online & Email Prayer Teams
JW Care Ministry is offering the opportunity to join our Online and Email Prayer Teams. Each week, these teams pray for all of the online & email prayer requests submitted by the church body. They also pray throughout the church building on Tuesdays. This is an opportunity to take prayer to the next level in your life for the benefit of our church community.
Join a Prayer Team

Prayer Materials in the Resource Center
• Practicing the Way
• Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
John Mark Comer
• Invitation to Solitude and Silence
Ruth Haley Barton
• Prayer
Timothy Keller
• Practicing His Presence
Brother Lawrence
• Finding the Heart’s True Home
• Celebration of Discipline
Richard Foster
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"The Prayer Practice" Group Study
"The Prayer Practice" is a concise four-session video series led by John Mark Comer. Your small group can explore the art of prayer together, learn to commune with God, and actively partner with Him in shaping the world. This 2024 series includes a free study guide and offers valuable insights into communicating with God, as well as a deep dive into the Lord's Prayer.
Watch on RightNow Media
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Prayer Opportunity After Each Service
Starting in March, we will end our services with an opportunity and invitation to come forward and receive prayer in person. After the last song, the worship leader will make the invitation, and you are welcome to come forward at this time. Our prayer team, made up of volunteers, staff, and overseers, will be there to listen, talk with you, and pray with you for specific needs you have.

"Prayers of the People" During Worship
On Sunday, March 10th, we'll have a special time where anyone in attendance can submit a prayer request, and they will be collected. Many of the requests will be read and prayed for, live during the service, by the whole congregation.