
What We Believe


"Wherever we are on our journey, we will take steps together to know and become like Jesus."


Our church covenant is about relationships; how we agree to treat and relate with one another.  We call all who seek membership to live by and hold other members accountable to the covenant.
Read our Church Covenant


Our Statement of Faith is what we believe to be the non-negotiable, orthodox, central tenets of faith.  In keeping with our vision and seeking to meet everyone where they are on their journey, we do not require all who attend to profess these beliefs.  We do ask our members and those seeking membership to be in agreement.
Read our Statement of Faith


Read our Constitution / By-Laws


Jesus becomes our Lord. What Jesus says becomes what we do. Our vision at Jacob's Well is "Wherever we are on our journey, we will take steps together to know and become like Jesus." Following Jesus becomes the central part of our life and our example to follow.


We believe salvation involves the redemption of the whole person, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. In its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. For a more detailed look at salvation, read our Statement of Faith.

If you have decided to follow Jesus as a believer, we would love to celebrate with you! Please contact the church office so we can reach out to you!


Every so often an issue comes along that the Overseers and Pastors of Jacob’s Well believe needs great clarity for the sake of unity and practice in the church. We do this through a statement.  Our individual statements are distinct from the Statement of Faith above.  The individual statements reflect the Overseers’ current and best understanding of an issue, that sincere and genuine disagreement exists within honest Christian scholarship, and that in the future this belief and practice could change. But for clarity and unity at Jacob’s Well, the statement will give direction to our practice on the issue. So it is with our statements below and their roles in the church:


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